Home > Una passione infiammabile. Guida allo studio del cinema muto

Una passione infiammabile. Guida allo studio del cinema muto

Over thirty years have passed since its first Italian-language publication, and Paolo Cherchi Usai’s Study Guide for Silent Film has long become an international classic in film studies, an invaluable introductory overview of the early days of film heritage preservation and restoration. Drawing on his decades-long research in film libraries and festivals across the world, Cherchi Usai presents the most recent results of his studies, along with rediscoveries and musings on a subject that has now become an essential element of teaching programmes devoted to the history and enhancement of film heritage. The birth of a new medium of expression is introduced and discussed with a clear, meticulous yet accessible approach, addressing all technological, commercial, aesthetic and cultural aspects, with an emphasis on the issues surrounding restoration and access through digital technologies: a veritable encyclopedia of yersterday’s cinema in the form of an epic novel. New revised and updated edition.