Home > Paolo Tosini
Paolo Tosini
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
March 10, 2021
Paolo Tosini studied Film restoration at the Udine University and the Berlin Bundesarchiv. He worked as manager and technical director in several international festivals, including the Pordenone Silent Film Festival, FILUX, and Distrital. In 2009, he moved to Mexico, where he created and directed the Digital Restoration Laboratory of the Mexican Cineteca Nacional for five years. He curated many restoration projects, and namely “El Automovil gris,” “Documento Z 3”. He is a preservation and film restoration consultant for various archives, including the Dominican Archivo General de la Nación and the Colombian Archivo Districtal. He taught classes in film and digital restoration and in archive projection in several Latin American countries, in the United States, and in Italy; he is professor of film history in the Salento University. He is head teacher of the Course in Conservation and Management of the Audio-Visual Heritage, where he teaches Theory and methodology of film restoration, Theory and technique of film projection, Theory and practice of digitization, and Conservation of film supports.
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