Home > Collection of costumes from Egypt, Greece, Rome and other countries
Collection of costumes from Egypt, Greece, Rome and other countries
Collection of costumes from Egypt, Greece, Rome and other countries, a rare and precious book containing the engravings made in the late 18th century by Giovan Battista Romero. The engravings reflect the antiquarian taste of the time and were purchased by foreign travelers in Italy, one of the favorite destinations of the Grand Tour. Romero, whose workshop was located in the Piazza di Spagna, reproduced images taken from the bas-reliefs of the monuments of antiquity, with a focus on the weapons and armor worn by the armies of the various peoples: swords, dagger, armour, pilum, shoes, shields, helmets.


You can see a selection of images from the book Raccolta di costumi egizi, greci, romani e di altre nazioni tratti dagli antichi monumenti.

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