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Artistic Director Franco Bernini

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Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

Writing has been around for thousands years but, thanks to film-making, it has achieved one of its most complete forms by reaching a new, deep narrative density.

Through teaching, exercises and workshops that provide students screenwriting tools and stimulate their attitudes, skills and creativity, during the three – year course all aspects of film writing are covered.

The course proposes different methods of writing: from the great Italian cinema tradition to the more recent ones, but above all, students are driven to find their own original way of narrating, adding to this other forms of writing, like the tv serial style.

During the first year, each student collaborates iin creating both a documentary and a short film, writes two full-length treatments, studies various film narration theories, learns to master narrative tools.

Students then make a collective film adaptation, follow a course on tv-series production  which leads to the writing of a series episode.

Starting from one of his original subjects, during the second year each student writes both the treatment and the script of one of his full-lenght films, works on two short films shot in collaboration with other courses, participates in the creation of an original concept for a tv series. In this way students approach different forms of writing, graphic novel included.

During the third year, students are concentrated in realizing the graduation film – usually a short film – an additional cinematographic subject conceived to become a screenplay, writes a tv series pilot episode. In addition to that students participates in two workshops, the first dedicated to transmedia, the second to the film serial projects creation designed for the market. During the last year student might attend internships.

During the last five years the following professors have held classes: Michele Abatantuono, Elisa Amoruso, Giorgio Arlorio, Stefano Bises, Francesco Bruni, Giulia Calenda, Marianna Cappi, Andrea Cedrola, Francesco Cenni, Daniele Cesarano, Ugo Chiti, Giacomo Ciarrapico, Umberto Contarello, Ivan Cotroneo, Alfredo Covelli, Salvatore De Mola, Linda Ferri, Andrea Garello, Filippo Gravino, Guido Iuculano, Roan Johnson, Davide Lantieri, Doriana Leondeff, Nicola Lusuardi, Ottavia Madeddu, Francesca Manieri, Gloria Malatesta, Francesca Marciano, Marco Martani, Enzo Monteleone, Silvia Napolitano, Andrea Nobile, Marcello Olivieri, Angelo Pasquini, Michele Pellegrini,  Marco Pettenello, Federica Pontremoli,Vanessa Picciarelli, Andrea Purgatori, Monica Rametta, Ludovica Rampoldi, Maddalena Ravagli, Viola Rispoli, Stefano Santarelli, Valia Santella,Stefano Sardo, Heidrun Schleef, Alessandro Sermoneta, Mattia Torre, Gino Ventriglia, Monica Zapelli.

Franco Bernini

wrote, among the others,  the film script and the screenplay of the following movies : ‘A casa nostra’, ‘A cavallo della tigre’, ‘La lingua del Santo’, ‘Sud’, ‘Un’altra vita’, ‘Chiedi la luna’, ‘L’Atlantide’, ‘La settimana della Sfinge’, ‘Il prete bello’, ‘Il portaborse’ (film script only), ‘Domani accadrà’ (nominated at the European Film Awards for best screenplay), ‘Notte italiana’. He also wrote the script and sthe creenplay of the TV movie ‘Rocco Chinnici – È così lieve il tuo bacio sulla fronte’, the mini-series ‘Adriano Olivetti, la forza di un sogn and ‘Missus’, the script of the whole series and the first two episodes of the first season of ‘Il paradiso delle signore’ and the biopic ‘Aldo Moro – Il professore’, which has been broadcasted. He wrote and directed ‘Le mani forti’ (Grolla d’oro for best screenplay, nomination for the David di Donatello award, Globi d’oro and the Nastri d’argento as debut director), which was screened at the Cannes Festival and during several other events. He wrote and directed the docufilm ‘Vivere’, special event at the Venice Film Festival. He worked with other directors at the collective documentary ‘Firenze, il nostro domani’. He wrote and directed the TV mini-series ‘L’ultima frontiera’ and the TV movies ‘Sotto la luna’ and ‘Il caso Braibanti’. He wrote the novels ‘La prima volta’, ‘A ciascuno i suoi santi’ and a few short stories. He was a pupil of Age.

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