It was signed in the prestigious representative office of the Lucan institutions, Palazzo Malvinni Malvezzi, the convention for the settlement in Matera of the detached headquarters of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (CSC) in Rome. The signatories were the President of the Basilicata Region, Vito Bardi, the Mayor of Matera, Raffaello de Ruggieri and the president of the CSC Foundation, Felice Laudadio. The Basilicata headquarters is in addition to those already active in Piedmont, Lombardy, Abruzzo, Sicily and Puglia. In Matera the school will be located in the former headquarters of Unibas in Via Lazazzera. There will be courses of high specialized training in directing-filmaking and acting, curated by the artistic directors, Daniele Luchetti and Giancarlo Giannini, as the first initiative of a wider collaborative process that will also invest the fields of research and experimentation. Classes will start in September 2021 and the first graduates will finish their courses in 2024. The building, as stipulated by the signed agreement, will be restored by the municipality that will provide for the start-up costs of the activities of the first year. The Basilicata Region, on the other hand, will take charge of the operating costs and the educational activity of the Centre.