Home > Abruzzo Office
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Home > Abruzzo Office

Abruzzo office

The L’Aquila office of the CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema is established in 2011, thanks to the agreement between Regione Abruzzo, L’Aquila Province and Municipality, and Ministero della Cultura.

The educational offer of the three-years course aims to train young people who want to acquire technical, artistic, and professional higly specialized know-how in the field of audiovisual communication, especially regarding reportage.

From July 2014 the Artistic Direction of the course is entrusted to Daniele Segre.

The training focuses on the study and realization of reportages through any possible tool and language: from writing to radio, form photography to video.

The three-years course in Audiovisual Reportage

The Scuola Nazionale di Cinema of the Abruzzo office of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia aims to scout, select, and train young professionals capable to excell in the field of cinematic and audiovisual communication, especially in regard to audiovisual reportage, and it is intended, preferentially, to graduates with strong humanistic bases, that have grow a keen interest for cinema and audiovisual communication.

The program is focused on an idea of audiovisual reportage that can be developed in all its expressive, spectacular and communicative possibilities.
The course aims to train new professional profiles capable to combine meticulous information, creativity,and emotional engagement.

The didactic approach is predominantly practical, as in the tradition of the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema.
The humanistic and scientific teachings give the students a firm ground during the phase of preparation and insight of the themes that will be addressed during the practical exercises, as in the graduation film.

Labs and technology for the students

The School offers the students a vast choice of technical facilities: audio and video recording systems, lights, editing workstations, and audio and video post-production facilities. The School is equipped with screening room, as well as classrooms for theoretical lessons.

How to enroll

It is possible to access the course by applying to the specific call for application, periodically published by the Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, and accessible on this website, in the Admission section. The course has a three years duration, and requires compulsory attendance.


Direttrice artistica Francesca Mannocchi
Via Rocco Carabba, 2 – 67100 L’Aquila
tel. 0862 380924
Facebook: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Sede dell’Aquila

The Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Foundation has its headquarters in Rome. The regional offices are located in Turin, Milan, L’Aquila, Palermo and San Servolo (Venice).
La sede del Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Everything started in Rome, in the thirties. Today the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia has offices in several italian regions, but for decades anyone who wanted to enter the film industry had to come to Via Tuscolana 1520, where the building designed by Antonio Valente stands.
Sede Lombardia - CSC
Advertisement and Corporate Film course Artistic Director Maurizio Nichetti Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, viale Fulvio Testi, 121 – 20162  Milan
The Animated Film school Artistic Director Chiara Magri via Cagliari, 42 – 10153  Turin
Documentary Courses Artistic director and educational coordinator Costanza Quatriglio Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Via Paolo Gili, 4 – 90138 – Palermo
CSC Sede Veneto
Course of Immersive Arts Artistic Director: Sara Tirelli, San Servolo Island, Venice