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Azzurra e Midori, corto di diploma al CSC Animazione, di Elena Garofalo, Marta Giuliani, Laura Piunti
Azzurra e Midori, corto di diploma al CSC Animazione, di Elena Garofalo, Marta Giuliani, Laura Piunti
Home > Piedmont Office

Piedmont Office

The Animated Film School of Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia was born in 2001 thanks to the agreement with Regione Piemonte, and offers a specialized three-years course supported by: Fondazione CRT; Camera di commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura di Torino; Turner Broadcasting Sytem Italia (Cartoon Network); Torino Piemonte Film Commission

La scuola offre a giovani talenti una formazione tecnica e artistica nelle diverse professioni dell’Animazione. La didattica intende fornire conoscenza ad ampio raggio del processo creativo e produttivo e competenze specifiche per inserirsi in modo efficace nel mercato del lavoro italiano e internazionale.

The school offers to young talents technical training and artistic education in the different professions of Animation. The didactic aims to provide a wide knowledge in the artistic and productive process, other than the specific competences to successfully enter the Italian and international job market.

Our activities

CSC Animated Film deals with the evolution of production and market involving into its activities active professionals, interacting with the main Italian professional organizations, and with the European network ETNA European Animation Association, with the support of the EU MEDIA program.

Education, research and experimentation

CSC Animated Film select and trains young artists to cultivate and develop talent, creativity, and competences for the art industry of animated film. The school offers a technical and professional specific training, along with the awareness and the practice of the creative and productive process, with a constant attention to talent, ideas, innovation in contents, style, and media.

The three-years specialization course in Animated Film is targeted for students coming from Italy and all over the world, selected through the call for application basing on talent and motivation.

Agencies and institutions comunication

CSC Animated Film interacts constantly and proficiently with the Piedmont territory, as well as with national agencies and institutions, for the production of short films and advertisement part of communication projects.

Over the years we have developed and produced projects for:
Ministero dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali e del Turismo – Direzione Cinema, Camera di Commercio di Torino, ENI spa, RAI 3, La Venaria Reale – Consorzio di Valorizzazione Culturale, Regione Piemonte – Assessorato alla Cultura, Forte di Bard – Museo delle Alpi dei ragazzi, Regione Piemonte – Fondazione XX Marzo 2006, Slow Food – Terra Madre, Associazione Se non ora Quando – Torino e Salone Internazionale del Libro Torino, Museo Nazionale di Cinema, Associazione LVIA, ITC/ILO International Training Center of Internation Labour Organization, Machiavelli Music Publishing, Regione Piemonte – Salone del Vino, Fondazione per il Libro, la Musica e la Cultura, Sistema Bibliotecario Area Metropolitana e Associazione Piemonte Movie, Festival Cinemambiente, AIACE – Sottodiciotto Film Festival, Cartoons on the Bay, Bellaria Film Festival, Cineteca del Friuli – Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, ANMIL-Alessandria, Maratona di Roma, Rivoli Film Music Festival, Flash Festival.

Events, diffusion and promotion

Every year CSC Animated Film presents to the public the graduation films made by the students, along with the other productions, in collaboration with institutions during the Diploma Ceremony in the Cinema Massimo of Turin, in collaboration with Museo Nazionale del Cinema.
CSC Animated Film promotes the works of the students in major cinema and animation festivals both on a national and international level, and organizes symposiums, retrospectives and film programming.
Since 2013 CSC Animated Film disseminates via all kind of media the productions of its students, in particular through its official Youtube channel CSCAnimazione, where all graduation short films, as well as all the works made in commissioned simulation from 2002 to 2014, are available in streaming.


Artistic Director Chiara Magri
via Cagliari, 42 – 10153  Torino
tel. 0119473284
The Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Foundation has its headquarters in Rome. The regional offices are located in Turin, Milan, L’Aquila, Palermo and San Servolo (Venice).
Audiovisual Reportage Course Artistic director Francesca Mannocchi Via Rocco Carabba, 2 – 67100 – L’Aquila
La sede del Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Everything started in Rome, in the thirties. Today the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia has offices in several italian regions, but for decades anyone who wanted to enter the film industry had to come to Via Tuscolana 1520, where the building designed by Antonio Valente stands.
Sede Lombardia - CSC
Advertisement and Corporate Film course Artistic Director Maurizio Nichetti Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, viale Fulvio Testi, 121 – 20162  Milan
Documentary Courses Artistic director and educational coordinator Costanza Quatriglio Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Via Paolo Gili, 4 – 90138 – Palermo
CSC Sede Veneto
Course of Immersive Arts Artistic Director: Sara Tirelli, San Servolo Island, Venice