October 24, 2022-June 4, 2023
200 masterpieces #soloalcinema
Part III
February 6-April 9
Rome, Cinema Quattro Fontane
With the support of the Ministry of Culture
in collaboration with Circuito Cinema
Media partner: MYmovies
The programme will also screen in Florence
in collaboration with the Fondazione Sistema Toscana – Cinema La Compagnia
The third part of the programme XX SECOLO. L’INVENZIONE PIÙ BELLA (20th Century. The greatest invention) kicks off on Monday, February 6. The retrospective – curated by Cesare Petrillo and programmed by CSC - Cineteca Nazionale, the Italian National Archive, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and in collaboration with Circuito Cinema – runs at the “Quattro Fontane” movie theatre in Rome every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday matinees.
The retrospective opens with a focus on a key director of Italian post-war cinema, Pietro Germi. Defined by Fellini as “the great carpenter of Italian film,” he was soon to prove that, in spite of its noble source, the epithet didn’t suit a 360° film director, also actor and screenwriter, who ranks among the masters of his time even if less acknowledged.
Running in parallel with the Germi retrospective, the New Hollywood section continues to explore American cinema and, more specifically, its performers. The selection offers an actual gallery of film stars who in the seventies revolutionized the very notion of stardom, giving body and voice to modern, neurotic, fumbling characters who have little to do with those of classic cinema.
The retrospective will go ahead looking back to surrealist genius Luis Buñuel, throughout five decades of film history from L'Age d'Or (1930) up to That Obscure Object of Desire (1977).
This third part will close (March 27-April 9) on an homage to Ginger Rogers, a uniquely versatile star, and to Satyajit Ray. At just 34 years of age, the great director revealed Indian cinema to the world thanks to the Apu Trilogy (screening all three parts) and masterpieces such as The Big City, Charulata, Nayak: The Hero, and The Music Room.
The retrospective XX SECOLO. L’INVENZIONE PIÙ BELLA will also screen at the Cinema La Compagnia in Florence from February 10 to May 14, 2023 as a result of the collaboration with the Fondazione Sistema Toscana film department. The new part of the Florence second programme will likewise include lectures conducted by the film critic Giovanni Bogani on selected films (info: http://www.cinemalacompagnia.it/).
Il grande cinema sul grande schermo
Programme #2
October 24, 2022-June 4, 2023
Rome, Cinema Quattro Fontane (via delle Quattro Fontane, 23)
Tickets and Subscriptions
One Admission Ticket 5 €
Subscription – 10 tickets 35 €
Subscription – 20 tickets 60 €
Two admissions allowed per screening with subscriptions.