Born in Rome
Languages: English (good level), French, Russian
2003-2005 – Graduated in Acting at the Experimental Cinematography Center (he obtained a schoolarship as the top student of his class). Teachers of the course: Lina Wertmuller, Giancarlo Giannini and Paolo Sorrentino.
2000 – Various skills workshop directed by Alessandra Panelli
1998 – High School workshop directed by Stefano Viali.
Seminars with Lina Wertmuller (C.S.C.), Mamadou Dioume, Tapa Sudana, Jean-Paul Denizon (C.I.C.T. of Paris), Marcello Magni and Mick Barnfather (Complicité of London), Duccio Bellugi Vannuccini and Helene Cinque (of the Theatre du Soleil).
2005 – One month workshop at the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards
Opera singing with the teacher Donata Tabet.
Dubbing course with Mario Maldesi (C.S.C.)
1998-2002 -Honors degree at the “Sapienza” University of Rome, with the course of History and Criticism of the Cinema.
2018 -”Augenblick, l’istante del possibile”, from the “Il monte analogo” by Rene Daumal, directed by Riccardo Brunetti, Poject XX1 and Teatro Studio Uno
2017 – “La Fleur, il fiore proibito”, immersive playwriting and direction by Riccardo Brunetti, Project XX1 and Teatro Studio Uno.
2016 – “Pericle principe di Tiro”, by William Shakespeare, adapted and translated by Vitaliano Trevisan, directed by Lorenzo d’Amico, Theatre Tor Bella Monaca
2016 – “La casa degli spiriti”, taken from the novel of Isabel Allende, directed by Claudia Della Seta and Glenda Sevald, Compagnia Afrodita at the “Il Funaro di Pistoia” and Theatre Tor Bella Monaca
2015 – “Il bambino sogna”, by Hanoch Levin, directed by Claudia Della Seta, Teathre Palladium- Festival In-Altre Parole.
2015 – “Augenblick, l’istante del presente”, by the “Il monte analogo” of Rene Daumal, directed by Riccardo Brunetti, Amaranta Teatro and Teatro Studio Uno
2015 – “I fanciulli e gli elfi”, drama fable by Pier Paolo Pasolini, Gruppo Roccaltia Teatro.
2014 – “Simon Mago”, adapted and translated by Adriano Saleri, based on the novel of Jean-Claude Carrière, directed by Anna Redi, performed in Sicily, Tuscany (Toscana Teatro Festival), Liguria, Lazio and Campania, and recently at the Festival Natura della Mente of Catania, directed by the Master Franco Battiato.
2013 – “Il naso di Shostackovic” by Gogòl (acting in Russian language), directed by Peter Stein, Teatro dell’Opera of Rome.
2013 – “Le medecin malgré lui” by Molière, adapted by Adriano Saleri, directed by Raphael Trano De Angelis (acting in French language), Italian tourné by the production of the Theatre de l’Eventail-Theatre Epée de Bois (Cartoucherie de Paris).
2013 – “No” by Denis Baronnet and Sara Clifford, directed by Stefano Viali, Teatro dell’Orologio, Rome (acting in French language).
2012 – “77 La rivoluzione è finita. Abbiamo vinto” written and directed by Francesca Pirani, Ex Lavanderia and Teatro Tor di Nona (Rome).
2012 – “Einstein s’il vous plait” adapted by Adriano Saleri and Mario Migliucci by the novel of Jean-Claude Carrière, directed by Giles Smith, Festival di Frascati Scienza.
2012 – In the forest, writtend and directed by Giles Smith, PAM Festival of New York.
2012 – “Confessioni” by Walter Manfré, Teatro Valle Occupato.
2011 – “Oedipe Roi” by Sofocle (Acting in French language), directed by Luca Giacomoni and Trama Theaatre, Theatre de Belleville (Paris) and Festival San Colombano
2010 – “Interno notte”, by Eduardo De Filippo, Luigi Pirandello, Achille Campanile, directed by Lorenzo De Carvalho D’Amico, Teatro Dell’Orologio.
2009 – “Il ragazzo e la sua betoniera,ovvero meglio la grammatica della pratica”. Winner of the “Annalisa Scafi”award for the best writing, directed by Emanuela Giordano,Teatro Piccolo Eliseo and Giardini della Filarmonica, Rome.
2008 – “Il romanzo di Ferrara”, by Tullio Kezich, taken from the plays of Giorgio Bassani, directed by Piero Maccarinelli, Teatro Palladium (RomaEuropaFestival), Rome.
2007 – “La scommessa” by Anton Cechov, directed by Adriano Saleri snd Mario Migliucci, Notte Bianca Romana.
2007 – “Il caso K” by Sergio Pierattini, directed by Sergio Pierattini, Festival di Radicondoli.
2007 – “I supermaschi” by Molière, Mozart/Da Ponte and Alfred Jarry, directed by Luca Ricci, Rialto Santambrogio, Festival Italia Wave of Florence and Festival Kilowatt (San Sepolcro e Anghiari).
2007 – “Contro tempo” by Christian Simeon, directed by Gabriele Vacis , Teatro Ambra Jovinelli, Rome.
2007 – “L’uomo piegato” by Toni Negri, directed by Pierpaolo Sepe, Burgtheater of Wien and “Festival dei Quartieri dell’Arte” of Viterbo.
2006 – “Tre per un topo ovvero Animalie” by Toti Scialoja, directed by Stefano Viali and Alice Drudi, Sala Uno and Teatro St. Stephen, Rome.
2005 – “Fremiti vocali” by Eduardo, Enzo Moscato, Annibale Ruccello, directed by Pierluigi Cuomo, Teatro di posa del Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.
2005 – Confusioni di Alan Ayckbourn, regia di Alvaro Piccardi, Soundstage of the Experimental Cinematography Center.
2002 – “Mad forrest” by Caryl Churchill, directed by Stefano Viali, “Teatro Civile” exposition, Fiesole
2000 – “Il viaggio di Nessuno”, directed by Stefano Viali and Alessandra Panelli, Stazione Ostiense, Rome
1998 – “Il giardino d’infanzia di Riki” by David Grossman, directed by Stefano Viali, Teatro La Comunità, Rome
1996 – “Kvetch” by Steven Berkoff, directed by Stefano Viali, Festival TeatroScuolaSuperiore by Carlentini, 1° prize.
2017 – “Suburra-La serie”, directed by Andrea Molaioli, Michele Placido, Giuseppe Capotondi, Netflix and Cattleya.
2014 – “Margarita Nazarova”, directed by Konstantin Maximov, First Russian Channel.
2008 – “Romanzo criminale”, Sky tv series , directed by Stefano Sollima.
2007 – “La squadra 8”, episode 214 (protagonist of the episode), directed by Donatella Maiorca.
2006 – “Distretto di polizia 6”, directed by Antonello Grimaldi.
2015 – Moderation, directed by Anja Kirschner
2010 – Una sconfinata giovinezza, directed by Pupi Avati.
2009 – Venti sigarette directed by Aureliano Amadei.
2008 – Così vanno le cose, directed by Francesco Bovinò.
2007 – Detesto l’elettronica stop, directed by Cosimo Messeri.
2006 – Sette ottavi, directed by Stefano Landini.
2019 – Cults-Bacchanalia, directed by Alejandro Ajala
2015 Fatti osceni in luogo pubblico, directed by Stefano Viali.
2013 – Procession, directed by Clemens Von Wedemayer, presented at the exhibition “The Cast” at the Maxxi of Rome.
2005 – Boy meets girl (C.S.C.), directed by Anna Wasch.
2005 – Consuelo, directed by Carlo Pisani, as part of a workshop with Paolo Sorrentino at the C.S.C. (presented at the Festival di Venezia 2005).
2005 – Darkroom, directed by Sergio Basso as part of a workshop with Paolo Sorrentino at the C.S.C.
2004 – Viscere (C.S.C.) directed by Carlo Pisani (and Daniele Segre).
2003 – Quello giusto, directed by Lorenzo De Carvahlo Cecchi D’Amico.
2002 – Storia quasi d’amore, directed by Lorenzo De Carvahlo Cecchi D’Amico.
2001 – Dormi, directed by Jacopo Mosca.
2005 – Austerlitz, directed by Sergio Pierattini, Radiotre.
2005 – Trafalgar, directed by Sergio Pierattini, Radiotre.
2004 – “D-Day,la diretta più lunga” (10 hours of live radio by S. Pierattini on the Invasion in Normandy), directed by Sergio Pierattini, Radiotre.
2019 – Tim, 5g, directed by Mattaus Baussman
2018 – Spot Bauli “Famiglia è”, (co-protagonist), directed by Maria Guidone and Umberto Carteni, Think Cattleya
2017 – Maalox Evoluzione Natura, ( protagonist) directed by Matteo Pellegrini, BedeschiFilm
2017 – Febal Casa, directed by Igor Mattei, (protagonist) FilmGood
2013 – Coca Cola Zero (protagonist of the international spot).
2013 – Spot “La mia terra vale”, for the channel Life + of the European Commission.
2009 – Vogue Uomo Italia (cover protagonist)
Alessandro Errico: “Eppure ti dico ciao”, directed by Max Artibani