![Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia](https://fondazionecsc.b-cdn.net/wp-content/themes/understrap-child/img/c2i-corso-detail-spacer.png)
Born in Potenza on 13th February,1980
Languages: English (excellent), French (native)
2007 Experimental Cinematography Center, acting course directed by G. Giannini;
2004 Assistant on higher acting course held by Lino Damiani;
2003 Acting course on Strasberg method;
2002 Theater Workshop with Serena Michelotti and Fabrizio Catarci;
2002 Dubbing course at the “Studi doppiaggio Titania”.
2007 “Cronaca di una notte”, directed by Lino Damiani;
2007 “Albakiara”, directed by Stefano Salvati;
2007 “Un passo indietro”, directed by Michele Nanni;
2007 “Aria”, directed by Giorgio Arcelli Fontana;
2006 “La bella figura”, directed by Harry Brunjes.
2007 “La Squadra”, Rai.
2009 “Outside”, directed by Charles Boivin, screens at Short Film Corner Cannes 2009;
2008 “L’Oro bianco”, directed by F. Rizzo, screens at the Milano Film Festival 2009;
2008 “504” by V. Notaro, directed by i V. Notaro;
2007 “Tea vaguely orange” by C. Larsen, directed by G. Morassutti and D. Virgilio;
2006 “L’ospite” by Enrico Saccà, directed by Alberto Mascia;
2006 “Un attimo di sospiro” by Sara Colangelo, directed by Sara Colangelo, produced by New York University, Tribeca film festival.
2003 “Sky calcio”, directed by B. Skolnick.
2003 “Fiat Panda”, directed by F. Bruglia.
2008 “Caracalla” by F. Melquiot, directed by M. Didym
2008 “Gabriele” by F. Paravidino, directed by Lorenzo Carvalho D’Amico
2007 “Dal naso al cielo” by L. Pirandello, directed by M. Mckai – Viterbo
2006 “Storie di ordinaria follia” by P. Zelenca, directed by J. D. Puerta Lopez
2006 “Il ragazzo pesce” by P.H.Ridley, directed by Roberto Nisi – Rome, Angelo Mai
2004 “Filumena Maturano” by E. De Filippo, directed by Luigi Boccia – Naples
2004 “Black Comedy” by Peter Shaffer, directed by Fabrizio Catarci – Rome, “Teatro dei Cocci”
2003 “Onirico” by S. Benni, directed by Serena Michelotti – Rome, “Teatro Colosseo”
2003 “Enrico IV” by L. Pirandello, directed by Marcello Amici – Rome, “P.le basilica S. Alessio”
2002 “Orion” by D. Rotella, directed by F. Catarci – Rome.
2002 “Da stanislavskij al jazz” written and directed by S. Michelotti – Rome.
Possibility of residency: Paris, Rome, Naples, Salerno, Potenza, Milan, Lecce