Born in Rome on 21th February, 1990
Dialects: Romanesco, Napoletano, Toscano
2019 Masterclass on audiobook reading with Emons Italia
From 2016 to 2019 Participation to seminars held by the UBU award winner Massimiliano Civica, focused on acting, directing and dramaturgy
2018 “Biennale di Venezia”, masterclass held by the UBU award winner Roberto Latini.
From 2013 to 2017 Acting and performance studies with Eleonora Danco.
2017 Seminar at the “Todi Festival”, “L’attore senza spettacolo” held by Roberto Latini.
2017 Acting Workshop held by Francesco Villano.
2016 CSCLAB “Alla scoperta del decalogo Kieslowski”, held by Eljana Popova at the Experimental Cinematography Center.
2016 Linklater’s method lessons held by Alessandro Fabrizi.
2016 Seminar on Acting held by Silvia Gallerano.
2013/2014 Scholaship for merit at the “Centro Alta Formazione Teatrale”, master for professional actors directed by Massimiliano Bruno.
2012/2013 Workshop for professional actors conduced by the directors Juan Diego Puerta Lopez, Luca De Bei and Giampiero Rappa.
2011/2012 Scholarship for merit at the “Accademia Internazionale d’Arte Drammatica – Teatro Quirino” directed by Alvaro Piccardi, among the teachers: Lello Arena, Rosa Masciopinto, Francis Pardeilhan, Francesco Pannofino, Giorgio Rossi and many others.
2012 Stage with the directors Vittorio and Paolo Taviani.
2011 Three months theatre workshop for professional actors directed by Massimiliano Bruno.
2010/2011 Various stages on Strasberg’s method by Alessandro Prete.
2009/2011 Accademia Corrado Pani, elocution studies (Gianni Diotajuti), acting (Alessandro Prete e Annabella Cerliani), dubbing (Roberto Pedicini), singing (Silvia Gavarotti e Vito Caporale) e stage movement (Cristina Barzi)
2018 “Fili” short-film written and directed by Goffredo Maria Bruno, role: protagonist.
2017 “Alice and the land that wonders” full-lenght film written and directed by Giulia Grandinetti, role: protagonist Alice.
2017 “Beata Ignoranza” film by Massimiliano Bruno, secondary role (Chiara Zaccarelli).
2016 “Miami Beach” Vanzina’s brother film, secondary role (Betta).
2018/2019 “FRIGO”, RAI 2 tv-show by Gianluca Mauri and Tinto (Nicola Prudente), directed by Claudia Seghetti, role: co-protagonist (25 episodes)
2014 “La Narcotici II – Caccia al Re” directed by Michele Soavi, protagonist of the episode.
2013 “Forse Sono Io” web series (on web and MTV) directed by Vincenzo Alfieri, protagonist of the episode. (Laura).
2012 Docufiction RAI “Così è la vita”, directed by Valerio Boserman, protagonist of the episode.
2019 “Sogno di una notte di mezza estate” by W.Shakespeare directed by Alessandro Fabrizi, Festival of “Teatro EcoLogico di Stromboli” (Ermia, co-protagonist).
Dal 2015 al 2019 “Chi è di Scena” written and directed by Alessandro Benvenuti, national tournée (co-protagonist).
2019 “Sogno di una notte di mezza estate” directed by Massimiliano Bruno, national tournée.
2018 “Kiss Me” directed by Roberto Latini at the “Biennale di Venezia”.
2018 “L’uomo la bestia e la virtù” by L.Pirandello, directed by Luca Ferrini, matinée at the “Teatro Argentina – Teatro di Roma”, (co-protagonist: Nonò).
2018 “Il paese lontano” by Jean-Luc Lagarce, directed by Samuele Chiovoloni, (co-protagonist: Catherine).
2017 “Il testimone di nozze” by Jean-Luce Lemoine, directed by Siddartha Prestinari.
2015/2017 “Alice” written and directed by Gabriele Linari, protagonist.
2016 “La Tempesta” di W.Shakespeare, directed by Alessandro Fabrizi, Festival of “Teatro EcoLogico di Stromboli” (Miranda: co-protagonist).
2015 “Nessuno Muore”, written and directed by Luca De Bei (co-protagonist: Lidia).
Dal 2013 al 2015 “M.E.D.E.A. Big Oil” written and directed by Terry Paternoster, Collettivo Internoenki, winner of the award “SCENARIO PER USTICA 2013”, national tournée.
2014/2015 “Il villaggio oltre il fiume” directed by Giorgia Conteduca (protagonist).
2014/2015 “Due più Uno” scritto da Gianluca Tocci, directed by Gianni Corsi.
2013/2014 “Cuore di mamma” by Daniela Dellavalle and Alessio Soro (protagonist).
2013 “City Park” written by Luca De Bei and directed by Juan Diego Puerta Lopez, “Festival Castel dei Mondi” (co-protagonist).
2013 “Repression” written and directed by Terry Paternoster, “Collettivo Internoenki”.
2012 “Mea Culpa” written and directed by Eleonora d’Urso, The Kitchen Company (co-protagonist).
2011 “Noi brava gente” monologue written and directed by Terry Paternoster.
2011 “Paspartù” theatrical jam-session directed by Massimiliano Bruno.
2018 – spot Fastweb “The Prisoner”, directed by Sebastien Grousset, protagonist.
2017 – spot “Beata Alternanza” for Federmeccanica directed by Massimiliano Bruno.
2015 – spot Inversa Onlus , directed by Joseph Lefevre, protagonist.
2015 – spot RAYchannel, directed by Riccardo Grandi.
2006 – tv-promotion; Poste Italiane, for RAI, Mediaset and La7 channels, protagonist.