Home > CSC – National Film School hosts Michał Leszczyłowski for a masterclass and a one-week course

CSC – National Film School hosts Michał Leszczyłowski for a masterclass and a one-week course

Michał Leszczyłowski

From March 7th to March 11th  Michał Leszczyłowski has been the host of the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema for a seminar directed to the editing course, and a masterclass opened to all courses.  Michał Leszczyłowski is a Polish-born naturalised Swedish film editor who has worked mostly in the Swedish film industry. Editor of The sacrifice (1986) byAndrej Tarkovskij, he has

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Sicily presents the call for proposals 2022 of the MEDIA subroutine by the Creative Europe Programme (CREA)

CSC -Sede Sicilia

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Sicily, in partnership with Creative Europe Desk Italy MEDIA – Bari Office, Cinecittà and Sicilia Film Commission, is happy to invite you to the presentation of the call for proposals expected during the 2022 inside the MEDIA subroutine by the Creative Europe Programme (CREA), a project managed by the European

The CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema at the 72. Berlinale with the short film Le variabili dipendenti by Lorenzo Tardella

Le variabili dipendenti di Lorenzo tardella

The short film Le variabili dipendenti, a graduation essay by Lorenzo Tardella produced by the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, has been presented at the 72nd Berlin Film Festival in the Generation Kplus section. Accompanying the official presentation of the short, together with the director Lorenzo Tardella: the screenwriters Mara Fondacaro and Elisa Pulcini, the editor

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Cineteca Nazionale is proud to open the celebrations for Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 100th birth anniversary with a digital restoration (4K) of MAMMA ROMA

Mamma Roma, Pier Paolo Pasolini

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Cineteca Nazionale is proud to open the celebrations for Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 100th birth anniversary with a digital restoration  (4K) of MAMMA ROMA which will be presented in world premiere on Friday Feb 11th at the 72th Berlinale (Cinemax, 7pm) The restoration was curated by CSC – Cineteca Nazionale from

Il Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia istituisce per l’anno 2021 n. 20 borse di studio da euro 2.500,00, riservate agli allievi della Scuola Nazionale di Cinema, sede di Roma

Allievi CSC sul set

Per l’anno 2021 la Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – delibera 19C/21 – assegna a seguito di procedura ad evidenza pubblica, n. 20 borse di studio del valore unitario di euro 2.500,00, riservate agli allievi della Scuola Nazionale di Cinema – Sede di Roma – in corso di studi nell’anno 2021 e in regola con

The deadline for submitting the applications is extended to July 15, 2021

Allievi CSC alla macchina

Extension of the deadline for admission to the three-year courses, Academic year 2021-2024. In order to allow the correct preparation of the materials required by the call, given the persistence of the pandemic situation (Covid-19), the deadline for submitting the applications is extended to July 15, 2021.  Online registration click here Selection calendar 2021/24 Given the extension to

A new regional headquarters of the CSC in Basilicata. It was signed in Matera the convention between the Centro Sperimentale, the Region and the Municipality

Una nuova sede del CSC a Matera

It was signed in the prestigious representative office of the Lucan institutions, Palazzo Malvinni Malvezzi, the convention for the settlement in Matera of the detached headquarters of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (CSC) in Rome. The signatories were the President of the Basilicata Region, Vito Bardi, the Mayor of Matera, Raffaello de Ruggieri and the

The Cineteca Nazionale benefits from the “Artbonus” opportunities

Art Bonus

Art Bonus, it is a measure of the Ministero dei Beni Culturali that represents an important novelty in the field of liberal donations applied to cultural heritage. A great opportunity to enhance the Italian historical and artistic heritage.

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia announces that the competition notice for the three-year period (2021-2024) of the National School of Cinema sled in January 2021

Un set di allievi al Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

The Board of Directors of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia announces that the publication of the admissions announcements for the three-year period (2021-2023) of all courses will take place in January 2021.