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Artistic director Chiara Magri
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Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

Focusing on specialised training and research for the animation art and industry, the Animation program was inaugurated in 2001 in partnership with Piedmont Region. The mission of this program is fostering students’ talent and shaping them into artists and technicians equipped with a deep understanding of the process of creation and development of the animated film as a whole. The aim is focusing the attention on characters’ design, animation design, visual storytelling, pre-visualisation and storyboarding, 2d and 3d animation, compositing, animation directing and art direction as well as endowing students with the technical-artistic skills and specific techniques.

The teaching program is developed in relation to the continuous evolution of the media and in close cooperation with institutions, companies, professionals, associations and events for animation in Italy and Europe (Cartoon Italia, Animation Italia, Asifa Italia, Cartoons on the Bay, ToonBoom inc.). Schools can rely on several partners such as Fondazione CRT, Compagnia di San Paolo, Torino Piemonte Film Commission, RAI Ragazzi, Camera di commercio di Torino, TBS Italia Cartoon Network.

Teaching modules, seminars, workshops are held by professionals and artist of the animationa field.

The course aims at guiding and developing the creative talent of each student and their acquisition of technical and artistic knowledge as well as teamwork skills. The teaching method is based on project design and practice. A strong emphasis is placed on the concept of animation as a means of communication, experimentation and artistic expression.

After the first year, which is dedicated to the technical and artistic basic skills and learning about the production process, students develop more specific skills related to professional roles in pre-production and animation, with the possibility to choose partly tailored paths. During the first two years students must develop short projects — both individually and in groups and both personal and simulating client requests. The third year is entirely devoted to the graduation films – short movies realized in teams – through which students tackle all creative and technical stages of production, from the concept to the actual development. The school offers graduates internships in studios and production companies in Italy (cinema, TV, games, post-production, communication, etc.) and at Cartoon Network Europe in London.

Students’ projects regularly feature at International festivals, such as Annecy, Zagreb, Stuttgart, Hiroshima, Clermont-Ferrand, Interfilm Berlin, Giffoni Film Festival, Cartoons on the Bay, Future Film Festival, View Festival. In 2008 and 2015 the CSC Animation program received a ‘Corti d’Argento’  special mention by the SNGCI (National Syndicate of Italian Film Journalists) for its production. In 2017 it was awarded with the ‘Emile European Animation Award – Best Student Film’, the European animation industry award for schools’ best film.

Angelo Gabriele Barrocu (Visual Effects and Compositing), Laura Fiori (3d Animation), Sergio Toffetti (Storytelling and Production), Eva Zurbriggen (2D Animation), identify training guidelines, edit the teaching programs and constantly check the performance of the didactic activity. Mario Addis, Giaime Alonge, Giorgio Bellasio, Konstantin Bronzit, Paul Bush, Mauro Carraro, Christian De Vita, Michel Fuzellier, Stefania Gallo, Marco Martis, Joanna Quinn are the names of the teachers that have held classes at CSC over the past five years.

Chiara Magri
Coordinatrice didattica

Nel 1986 inizia a collaborare con ASIFA, sezione italiana dell’Association Internationale du Film d’Animation, seguendone l’attività culturale, editoriale e di formazione professionale. Ne è segretaria generale dal 1997 al 2002. Per ASIFA e altri committenti cura e organizza programmi, rassegne e mostre sul cinema d’animazione italiano e internazionale. Per ASIFA, con Scuola Rai e Piano Media, cura il Piano Nazionale di Formazione Continua volto alla riqualificazione professionale del settore (1996-1999); cura gli Incontri Arte Animazione, convegno-rassegna internazionale sull’animazione d’autore alla Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Torino (2000-2005). Tiene corsi e seminari, fra gli altri, per l’Istituto Europeo di Design Milano e Torino, Master in Digital Entertainment del VRMM Park – Università di Torino. È membro di giurie e comitati di selezione per i più importanti festival internazionali specializzati. Ha codiretto le prime due ricerche sul settore industriale dell’animazione in Italia commissionate da Rai Fiction. Scrive per pubblicazioni specializzate.

Mario Addis
Regista d'animazione, animatore e illustratore. Vive a Milano dal 1984 dove ha iniziato a lavorare n...

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Angelo Gabriele Barrocu
Animatore e illustratore free lance. Diplomato in cinema d'animazione al CSC Animazione nel 2005, re...

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Alfio Bastiancich
General Manager Animation & Youth Programs, Showlab Srl – Prodea Group. Vice Presidente respon...

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Paul Bush
Regista sperimentale "frame by frame", premiato ai maggiori festival internazionali. E' docente di r...

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Christian De Vita
Romano di nascita, vive e lavora a Londra. Regista (serie Disney, PJ Masks - Super Pigiamini; Yellow...

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Laura Fiori
Art director d'animazione. Nel 1984 fonda, insieme a Enzo D'Alò e Maria Fares, la società La Lante...

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Flavia Fusaro
Free Lance 3D Artist, generalist e Graphics Designer. Supervisore CGI con esperienza in produzioni p...

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Giulio Gioria
3d artist, lighter e compositor - ha collaborato con Lumiq Studios, Protocube, Animoka (serie TV “...

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Chiara Magri
Nel 1986 inizia a collaborare con ASIFA, sezione italiana dell’Association Internationale du Film ...

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Elena Toselli
Direttrice di produzione e producer di animazione per Rai Fiction, Gaumont Animation, TF1, Disney Ju...

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Andrea Varca
Si è formato nel disegno del nudo, tecniche pittoriche e incisione sotto la guida di rinomati maest...

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Eva Zurbriggen
Visualizer, layout artist, cartoonist e illustratrice free lance. Nata in Svizzera, laureata in Scie...

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