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Film Production

Artistic Director Gianluca Arcopinto

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Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

This course gives the students fundamental skills to express and develop their attitudes to face the professional world and therefore to access to the different production sectors as producers, executive producers and general organizers.

The program is divided into three phases and between them students will experience internship in film and television companies.

During the first year, students will approach the everyday work as real professionals – script analysis, work plan, agenda, budget, construction and development of the creative and productive process – and will experience life on a film set.

Second year program will include: cinema laws and regulations, national collective film crew agreement, administrative work, internal and external tax credit, tax shelter, Media and Eurimages programmes, the low-budget film production process, post-production. Students will be involved in film products realization in collaboration with all the CSC educational areas.

On the third year, student will deepen marketing and financing mechanisms, cinema and tv distribution, copyright issues. As a final work they will prepare a small film project putting to use the skills earned during the three years. Once assessed their learning level, students coming from all the different courses will work together on graduation films.

In the last period, promoting their participation as interns in films in progress, students will be encouraged by the school to get in contact with the professional world of cinema and tv.

Among the teachers in the previous five years:

Daniele Basilio, Graziella Bildesheim, Carlotta Calori,  Maria Teresa Favia, Nicola Giuliano, Mattia Guerra, Simone Isola,  Gianluca Leurini, Valeria Licurgo, Luigi Napoleone,  Erik Paoletti, Alberto Pasquale, Giannandrea Pecorelli, Enzo Porcelli, Andrea Tatafiore.

Gianluca Arcopinto

Born in Rome in 1959, he produced, organized and distributed more than a hundred movies. He stood out for producing debut works in a systematic way. He has accompanied at the debut among others, Matteo Botrugno, Giacomo Ciarrapico, Daniele Coluccini, Daniele Gaglianone, Matteo Garrone, Paolo Genovese, Vincenzo Marra, Cesar Meneghetti, Salvatore Mereu, Luca Miniero, Francesco Munzi, Elisabetta Pandimiglio, Mattia Torre, Luca Vendruscolo and Gianni Zanasi. He directed the movies ‘Nichi’ and ‘Angeli Distratti’. He wrote the books ‘Mi dicevano Pablo’,  ‘Cinema autonomo’, ‘La mia classe’, ‘Un fiume in piena’ and ‘Controvento’.

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