The Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, within the Progetto Cinecittà, PNRR: Missione 1 – Digitalizzazione, innovazione, competitività, cultura e turismo | M1C3 – Turismo e cultura 4.0 |M1C3 – Industria culturale e creativa 4.0 | Investimento 3.2: Sviluppo industria cinematografica (Progetto Cinecittà) funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, opens a call to identify, select and train young students who will contribute to support the evolution of the cultural and creative industry operators, strengthening the professional skills and competences in the audiovisual sector related especially to promote the technological transition.
General objectives
The objective of the laboratory is to provide the basic knowledge to create a 360 short film in Virtual Reality. Participants will have the opportunity to follow the creative technical methodologies step by step from the conception phase to the production phase, both for the visual and sound aspects. The laboratory includes an introduction to the panorama of XR audiovisual productions and access to viewing experiences in Virtual Reality thanks to the installation of an Immersive Library with 4 VR stations.
Info and admission: immersivearts@fondazionecsc.it
July 15th – 19th 2024
Veneto Headquarter- Polo Immersive Arts S. Servolo Island (VE)
Deadline: July 8th
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