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Conservation and management of the audio-visual heritage

The course in Conservation and Management of the Audio-Visual Heritage is focused on the entire range of activities revolving around film preservation in terms of both its history (film stock) and recent developments (digital image). The three-year course’s scope goes beyond the technical aspects of archiving work; in fact, its mission involves a wide range


Raising and developing the professional profile as a cinematographer is the aim of this course. Throughout the three years students will attend modules on art-history and in-depth courses about digital and traditional photo shooting technical and artistic techniques. During the first year the program focuses on learning about elements that make-up the cinematographic language, technical


Focusing on specialised training and research for the animation art and industry, the Animation program was inaugurated in 2001 in partnership with Piedmont Region. The mission of this program is fostering students’ talent and shaping them into artists and technicians equipped with a deep understanding of the process of creation and development of the animated

Musica per Film

A giugno prenderà il via la X edizione del CSC Lab Musica per film. Alla presente edizione parteciperanno tra gli altri i compositori, Pivio (in coppia con Aldo De Scalzi 2 David di Donatello), Pasquale Catalano (un Nastro d’Argento e molteplici candidature ai David di Donatello), Carlo Crivelli (un Prix France Musique e un Premio