The Cineteca Nazionale encourages both the study and the research activities of films, aiming to reach students and researchers from Italian and foreign universities.
The Cineteca Nazionale encourages the study and the research activities around its own video archive aiming to reach students from Italian and foreign universities that are engaged in the preparation of dissertations, as well as Italian and foreign teachers, PhD students and scholars from universities and public institutions for the specific purpose of cinematographic research.
The videos and clips that are already digitized by the Cineteca Nazionale can be consulted exclusively for study purposes and by reservation, at the Video Library of the National Film Library in via Tuscolana 1524, Rome, and they are accessible on video stations equipped with headphones for individual listening. Please note that copies of the materials cannot be obtained.
To reserve a video station, it is recommended to book in advance by writing to, indicating the reason for the request and the movie title, in order to ensure their effective availability.
The request must be accompanied by a declaration on headed paper signed by the thesis supervisor or the reference teacher, also including an indication of the research topic and/or the applicant’s qualification as scholarship holder. If the research is aimed at creating a publication, the applicant must sign the commitment to deliver a copy of this publication at the “Luigi Chiarini” of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.
From Monday to Thursday, starting at 10.30 with last consultation to start before 16.00 (except holidays and extraordinary closings)