The Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema is offering to its students to experience the 17th Festa del Cinema di Roma not only as a place for watching films but also - if not above all - as a learning opportunity:
As a result, from October 13 to October 23, the regular learning activities will move to the Auditorium Parco della Musica where CSC students can participate in the events following the educational paths designed for them by their teachers.
As said by Marta Donzelli, President of the Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia: “Meetings at the festival, creative inspiration, and networking opportunities are just a few examples of the activities that can lead to one of the most intense, thrilling, and formative experiences that a young film student can have. Thanks to the sensitivity of Gian Luca Farinelli and Paola Malanga we have transformed the days of the festival into actual teaching for the young students of the CSC. For them, it won’t be just a parallel or subordinate activity to normal classes, but an immersion in the films and masterclasses offered by the Festa del Cinema di Roma. All facilitated by specific educational paths suggested by the teachers, but still with the freedom for each student to choose according to their interests and their preferences."
Gian Luca Farinelli, President of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma explains: “A festival is also a utopian place, where it is possible to perceive the encounter between desire (a film conceived, dreamed) and its realization (the dream that becomes something concrete and is measured through other eyes). The ideal spectators of this festival of creativity are the young film students who will be the protagonists of tomorrow at our festival and the main international festivals. This is why I am proud of this agreement signed with President Marta Donzelli and that the program of the 17th Festa del Cinema di Roma, for 11 days, will be the academic activity of one of the oldest and most prestigious film schools in the world.”
Adriano De Santis, Headmaster of the CSC - Scuola Nazionale di Cinema: “It is traditional for CSC to offer students the chance to face the leading figures and works of international cinema. The prominence and reputation achieved by the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema in the world have always been remarked on by the educational visits and masterclasses of renowned authors and professionals from the film industry and the creative field. Therefore, I enthusiastically welcome the collaboration with the Festa del Cinema di Roma, which allows all of our students to participate in highly prestigious masterclasses, accessing directly to great films and great creators of international cinema. In particular, the students of the cinematography course will take part in filming the 9 masterclasses planned in the Festival program. An educational but also professional opportunity, for which I thank the Festa del Cinema di Roma, and I wish the relationship between our institutions will grow in the future.”
The collaboration with the Festa del Cinema di Roma will focus in particular on the two sections dedicated to public meetings, Absolute Beginners and Paso Doble.
As part of Absolute Beginners, the CSC students will have the opportunity to meet the directors Paolo Virzì, Luc Besson, James Gray, Mario Martone and Stephen Frears. The session videos will be used to feed new e-learning tools now in development, with the goal of expanding the educational offer and improving the CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema's worldwide ties.
As for Paso Doble, the meetings will feature Sandro Veronesi and Francesco Piccolo (“Bewitched by the big screen”), Valentina Cervi and Julie Bertuccelli (“Viva Jane Campion!”) And Francesca Comencini and Gabe Polsky (“Where is the western headed?”).
The CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema also participates in the 8th edition of MIA | International Audiovisual Market scheduled from 11 to 15 October, under the new direction of Gaia Tridente.
The first pitch involving the students, on 13 October, will be the Drama Co-Production Market & Pitching Forum. It is one of the major forums for scripted co-production content in Europe. This year, it presents 15 international series projects with producers from Italy, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Finland, Israel, France, and Ireland. During two one-hour pitching sessions, the 15 finalists will be showcased exclusively on the main stage of MIA 2022.
As part of the forum, the pitch entitled The Factory of Dreams - Once Upon a Time in the Centre will be presented, by some CSC students (led by Gloria Malatesta and Oliviero Del Papa): Margherita Arioli, Anita Della Cioppa, Leonardo Malaguti, Valentina Morricone, Luca Murri Fabiano, Sara Mancini, Veronica Penserini, Simone Ruggieri, Elena Tramonti and Chiara Zago. A “coming of age” set right between the classrooms and corridors of the CSC, which runs through the generations and the history of cinema from 1940 to the present day. What were the greats of cinema like before they became great, when they still didn't know what they would become? In Rome, in front of Cinecittà, there is the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, a school populated, from the 40s until today, by actors, directors, and producers who have become famous in the world, but in this series, we will meet them when they were young…
On October 14, eight third-year students (led by Franco Bernini and Gloria Malatesta) - Veronica Penserini, Elena Tramonti, Margherita Arioli, Chiara Zago, Margherita Arioli and Valentina Morricone, Sara Mancini and Luca Murri Fabiano - will also have the opportunity to participate in the CSC Meets MIA: a pitching session of feature film projects that will tell today's young people in their relationship with their peers and with other generations.
The CSC - Scuola Nazionale di Cinema is also present at the 20th edition of Alice nella Città onThursday 13 October at 18.30 at the Auditorium della Conciliazione with the Italian preview of The Conspiracy Barber, a diploma essay by the directing student Valerio Ferrara (three-year period 2019-2021), already winner of the La Cinef section of the last Festival of Cannes.
The Conspiracy Barber is the parable of a man (played by Lucio Patanè) who, to receive the attention and affection of his loved ones, ends up infecting an entire neighbourhood with the disease of conspiracy.
The short will be available soon on Rai Cinema Channel.