Home > Esercizi sulla bellezza. Piero Tosi e i seminari di acconciatura e trucco al CSC
Esercizi sulla bellezza. Piero Tosi e i seminari di acconciatura e trucco al CSC

Author: Stefano Iachetti e Alfredo Baldi (edited by)

Year: 2008

Pages: 222

Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; Mondadori Electa

ISBN: 9788837067489

€ 35,00


Piero Tosi is heralded as one of the greatest costume designers in the world and this book is a tribute to his great skill also as a teacher at the CSC (Experimental Cinematography Centre). The extensive collection of photographs in the volume give a taste of the coiffure and make-up seminars he held occasionally for Costume Design students.

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