Home > Il cinema di Claudio Gora
Il cinema di Claudio Gora

Author: Emiliano Morreale (edited by)

Year: 2013

Pages: 142

Publisher: Centro sperimentale di cinematografia; Rubbettino

ISBN: 9788849840322

Series: Quaderni della Cineteca nazionale. Nuova serie ; 2

€ 9,90


The book reconstructs the multi-faceted personality of Claudio Gora (Emilio Giordana’s stage name, 1913-1998), director and actor. Ignored by Italian cinema, Gora was one of the great character actors of the 1960s and 70s specialising in the role of evil middle class men in Un Maledetto Imbroglio (1959) and Una Vita Difficile (1961) and an important director in the transition from Neorealism to modern film making in the 1960s.

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