Home > La Storia e le storie. Il Novecento secondo Carlo Lizzani
La Storia e le storie. Il Novecento secondo Carlo Lizzani

Author: Alberto Anile, Giorgio Gosetti, Giovanni Spagnoletti (edited by)

Year: 2023

Pages: 221

Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; Edizioni Sabinae

ISBN: 9791280023469

€ 22,00


In the words of Giovanni Spagnoletti, Carlo Lizzani’s filmography is “a testimony”: of History, within History. With his work he spanned the Short Twentieth Century, analyzing its themes with the enthusiasm of a chronicler and historian; watching it again today through the lens that the author himself envisioned for it to be judged offers a wealth of insights and surprises. That is why historians, scholars, critics, colleagues and students talk about it. This book is the final outcome and concludes the Lizzani Project that was carried out throughout the year that marked his first centenary.

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