Home > Mario Bava. Il mago dei colori
Mario Bava. Il mago dei colori

Author: Gérald Duchaussoy e Romain Vandestichele; Steve Della Casa (Italian edition)

Year: 2023

Pages: 189

Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; Sabinae

ISBN: 9791280023483

Series: Grande cinema

€ 28,00


Mario Bava is one of the most widely studied Italian directors by experts in popular cinema, who acknowledge his remarkable visual talent; moreover, his legendary ability to solve even the most complicated and seemingly overwhelming challenges that could arise during production through low-budget tricks prompted a series of critical analyses that have shed new light on Italian cinema. In particular, French critics have always been very interested in this director, who dipped his toe into all genres (horror, thriller, science fiction, western, comedy…) while still managing to achieve a personal style – and often with extraordinary results. In that vein, we are pleased to introduce a simple but accurate essay, a careful and precise overview of the work of the director who brought us memorable films, e.g. La maschera del demonio, Operazione paura, Reazione a catena, and Cani arrabbiati, all of which influenced, by their own admission, auteurs such as Tim Burton and Quentin Tarantino.



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