Home > Mario Verdone: futurismo, film culture, radio, archivio, istituzioni, media literacy
Mario Verdone: futurismo, film culture, radio, archivio, istituzioni, media literacy
A special issue of «Bianco e Nero: rivista quadrimestrale del Centro sperimentale di cinematografia», Vol. 78, Iss. 588-589 (2017 May-Dec)

Author: Andrea Mariani and Simone Venturini (edited by)

Year: 2017

Pages: 167

Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; Sabinae

ISBN: 9788898623662

€ 20,00


2017 marks the one hundreadth anniversary of the birth of Mario Verdone, and the eightieth year of «Bianco e Nero». The issue celebrates the two recurrences togheter. The Verdone family, in collaboration with the Biblioteca Luigi Chiarini and «Bianco e Nero» at The Centro Sperimentale, have made public Mario Verdone’s personal archive. This provided the oppotunity to study Verdone’s multifaceted scholarship and unlimited intellectual work, some of wich was published n the pages of «Bianco e Nero», along side the many other spaces with which he engaged.

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