Home > Otello Without the H. Orson Welles in the Oberdan Troiani Collection
Otello Without the H. Orson Welles in the Oberdan Troiani Collection

Author: Alberto Annile (edited by)

Year: 2015

Pages: 125

Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; Rubbettino

ISBN: 9788849845044

Series: Quaderni della Cineteca nazionale. Nuova serie ; 3

€ 9,90


In English the title is Othello. In Italian there is no h, Otello: out of all the versions of this film, Scalera’s is the oldest, longest, and perhaps the most beautiful. However, after its theatre release during fall 1951, quite surprisingly everybody forgot about it. Now, thanks to the National Film Library’s archives, Orson Welles’ Italian film comes back to light with never-before-seen images and cut scenes. Orson Welles (1915-1985) was one of the greatest directors in the history of cinema and Otello is the only italian film he realised.

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