Home > Piero Tosi. Exercises in beauty. His years at CSC (1988-2016)
Piero Tosi. Exercises in beauty. His years at CSC (1988-2016)

Author: Stefano Iachetti (edited by)

Year: 2018

Pages: 272

Publisher: Centro sperimentale di cinematografia; Sabinae

ISBN: 9788898623846

€ 28,00


Over his long career, Piero Tosi has been an invaluable collaborator with all major Italian film directors. His costumes have dressed the characters of Gianni Amelio, Michelangelo Antonioni, Mauro Bolognini, Mario Camerini, Renato Castellani, Liliana Cavani, Luigi Comencini, Vittorio De Sica, Alberto Lattuada, Mario Monicelli, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Antonio Pietrangeli, Dino Risi, Mario Soldati, Lina Wertmüller,Luigi Zampa, Franco Zeffirelli, but first and foremost Luchino Visconti, with whom Tosi entertained an enduring friendship and partnership that gave us unforgettable masterpieces.Tosi is synonymous with ‘serious cinema,’ which requires long preparation and detailed study of the sources of inspiration and of the materials to use. He is an artist who has devoted his talent to cinema, bestowing his gifts on an ephemeral, impalpable art whose beauty lies in the lights and shadows of the silver screen. The Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia is proud to have numbered Tosi amongst its prestigious professors for almost three decades: therefore, we pay homage to him with this publication that reconstructs every phase of his amazingly original idea that was to become essential for the professional growth of our students of Costume but also Acting. In fact, Piero Tosi conceived the seminars on hairstyle, make-up, and historic costume that he conducted periodically for CSC students. Just like in a painter’s workshop of the Renaissance, the Maestro hands his artistic knowledge down to the new generations, fulfilling the exchange of ideas and experiences that underlies all forms of progress.

Author notes:

Stefano Iachetti è nato e vive a Roma, dove lavora presso il Centro Sperimenatale di Cinematografica. E' fotografo ritrattista, autore di mostre fotografiche, nel 2008 ha curato "Esercizi sulla bellezza" dove ha raccolto la documentazione dei seminari di costume del Maestro Piero Tosi. E' autore dei libri: "Asia Argento. La strega rossa" (2014), "La paura cammina con i tacchi alti. Il giallo all'italiana raccontato dalle protagoniste e dai protagonisti del cinema degli anni Settanta" (2017), "Laura Morante. In punta di piedi" (2018).

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