Home > Romana Film. Fortunato Misiano e la sua avventura nel cinema
Romana Film. Fortunato Misiano e la sua avventura nel cinema

Author: Steve Della Casa (edited by)

Year: 2017

Pages: 159

Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; Iacobelli

ISBN: 9788862524063

Series: Quaderni della Cineteca nazionale. Nuova serie ; 8

€ 9,90
€ 7,92


When talking about studio system in Italy, it is impossible to not mention Fortunato Misano’s Romana Film, active between 1945 and 1970. Over the course of its 25 years of activity, Romana Film maintained an independent studio system policy. Romana Film means about one hundred films, averaging at four movies per year. Up until 1959 it specialized in popular melodramatic films, often set in Naples and replete with songs and singers. Since the 1960s it specialized in adventure films, with distinctive features. Worth mentioning, among its most trusted directors, are Domenico Paolella, Luigi Capuano and the young Umberto Lenzi. This book traces the adventurous enterprise of Romana Film, with photographs and previously unpublished materials supplied by the Misano family.

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