Author: Matteo Pollone e Caterina Taricano (edited by)
Year: 2023
Pages: 159
Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; Sabinae
Series: Grande cinema
A self-taught poet of cinema, a fierce filmmaker and story-teller, Pasolini’s guide to the anthropological character of the suburbs of Rome, Sergio Citti is an artist of unparalleled calibre, even beyond the Italian film scene. From Vittorio Gassman to Fiorello, from Harvey Keitel to Jodie Foster, from Carlo Verdone to Roberto Benigni, his films are inhabited by an amazing roster of actors and characters, the faces and voices of a great novelist who is gifted with a vision at once elemental and eye-opening. This book features a complete filmography (annotated by Citti’s most renowned scholars), a detailed biography, an updated bibliography and a compilation of interviews. The volume also offers a previously unpublished collection of accounts by all the talented people who shared his artistic adventure, and a series of portraits, conveying the expressive journey of the director as well as that of the man. In the words of Carlo Verdone, “Citti’s work in cinema was truly unique; I like to call him a proletarian craftsman of cinema. He was gifted with a very special sensitivity and was also a remarkably kind and generous person. He made people laugh because he was simply ‘Sergio Citti de Fiumicino,’ with his slightly too-long hair and that beautiful Swedish wife of his who spoke Italian better than he did.”
Author notes:
Matteo Pollone insegna Storia e critica del cinema all’Università del Piemonte Orientale. È autore di Il western di Anthony Mann (2007), Sherlock: da Arthur Conan Doyle a Benedict Cumberbatch (2021) e, con Caterina Taricano, Neil Jordan (2009). Con Steve Della Casa ha curato la pubblicazione di un trattamento inedito di Dino Risi, Preso dalla vita (2021), mentre con Roberto Guarino è da tempo impegnato nello studio dei classici del fumetto italiano.
Caterina Taricano, giornalista e regista, fa parte del comitato di selezione artistica del Torino Film Festival, è responsabile della sezione anteprime del festival Sottodiciotto e consulente e programmer di manifestazioni analoghe. Insegna all’Accademia d’Arte Drammatica Silvio D’Amico. È autrice di Neil Jordan (2009, con Matteo Pollone), Un marziano genovese a Roma (2013), Elio Pandolfi. Che spettacolo! (2018), Viaggi non organizzati. La vita e il cinema di Giorgio Arlorio (2018, con Giorgio Arlorio). Ha diretto diversi documentari, tra cui Jazz set, firmato con Steve Della Casa, vincitore del premio Extra Doc nel festival omonimo.