Scuola Nazionale di Cinema
Notice of open call for admission to three-year courses 2023/2026 now online
The Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia announces considerable new developments:
- the restart and renewal of CSC Reportage audiovisivo – Abruzzo Office
- the launch of two new courses, Editing and Production, at CSC Documentario e Cinema del reale – Sicily Office
- the assignment of twenty-two three-year student grants
The notice of open call for the 2023/2026 three-year courses of CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema is now online. The Italian National Film School is one of the oldest and most prestigious in the world, having provided education and training of excellence to generations of protagonists of Italian cinema for over 80 years.
The educational offer of the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema extends over a period of three years with the goal of offering a thorough curriculum that combines tradition and innovation, research and experimentation, thus activating processes of collaboration between all the technical and artistic components concurring to the creation of films and audio-visual works.
This year, the notice of open call foresees a number of important innovations and new educational opportunities.
The Abruzzo Office sees the restart of the course in Audio-visual Reporting after the makeover imparted by the new artistic director, journalist Francesca Mannocchi. The curriculum has been reinvented in terms of innovation and internationalisation, also involving faculty and high-profile figures from all over the world.
In the Sicily Office, artistic director Costanza Quatriglio, also director of studies and a film director herself, will continue to guide the course for documentary film directors. New courses at bachelor level revolving around the documentary have been launched: Editing (artistic co-directors Desideria Rayner and Matteo Gherardini) and Production (artistic co-directors Marco Alessi and Laura Romano) with the goal of establishing an interdisciplinary school devoted to the ‘cinema of the real.’
Moreover, twenty-two three-year student grants will be assigned based on ISEE family income indicators: ten grants for the Rome CSC School, four for the CSC – Abruzzo Office, four for the CSC – Sicily Office, two for the CSC – Piedmont Office, and two for the CSC – Lombardy Office.
The Degree obtained from the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, excluding the course in Conservation and Management of the Audio-visual Heritage, is equivalent to the three-year Bachelor’s Degree L-03 (DAMS) pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 378 of April 24th, 2019.
Starting from May 2nd (until June 23rd, 2023 at 12.00, midday CET), it is possible to send applications electronically, exclusively through the ad-hoc automated online procedure available in the website of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (https://www.fondazionecsc.it/ammissione/).
The complete and up-to-date list of all the CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema courses and their artistic directors is reproduced below:
CSC – Rome Central Office
Conservazione e management del patrimonio audiovisivo
Paolo Tosini
Maurizio Millenotti
Giuseppe Lanci
Francesca Calvelli
Gianluca Arcopinto and Viola Prestieri
Alba Rohrwacher
Daniele Luchetti
Franco Bernini
Francesco Frigeri
Daniela Bassani and Adriano Di Lorenzo
Visual Effects Supervisor & Producer
Renato Pezzella and Daniele Tomassetti
CSC Reportage audiovisivo – Abruzzo Office
Francesca Mannocchi
CSC Pubblicità e Cinema d’Impresa – Lombardy Office
Maurizio Nichetti
CSC Animazione – Piedmont Office
Chiara Magri
CSC Documentario e Cinema del Reale – Sicily Office
Costanza Quatriglio
Desideria Rayner and Matteo Gherardini
Marco Alessi and Laura Romano