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Bibliographic paths

They are addressed to:

– groups of students who want to learn the use of the catalog and the use of electronic resources to optimize the bibliographic research tools present in the Library;

– school groups or visitors who are interested in a thematic bibliographical itinerary, during which they will be able to view original scripts, sketches, scores, musical scores, pressbooks, rare fashion and costume magazines from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and many other materials present in archival and bibliographic collections.


To make an appointment, contact biblioteca@fondazionecsc.it


The library staff realized a series of thematic meetings with various institutions and universities aimed at guiding students and scholars on the library catalog and on the use of the various repertoires, also through research simulations. The “Bibliographic Paths” initiative was activated in 2010 and involved: Rome Academy of Fine Arts, Roberto Rossellini “Istituto di Stato per la Cinematografia e la Televisione” (State Institute for Cinematography and Television), “Licino Refice” Music Conservatory of Frosinone, “Istituto Professionale ad indirizzo audiovisivo” (Professional Institute in  audiovisual address) of Fossalta di Piave, (CISA) Conservatorio Internazionale Scienze Audiovisive “International Conservatory of Audiovisual Sciences” , (AAMOD) “Fondazione Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico” (Foundation of the Audiovisual Archive of the Workers and Democratic Movement ), (ASC) “Associazione Scenografi Costumisti Arredatori Italiani” (Italian Scenographers Association of Costume Designers and Furnishers), (ICCU) “Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico” (Central Institute for the Unique Catalog), courses and masters of the  University of Rome “La Sapienza”, courses of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Center for Cinema and Media studies of the Ghent University (Belgium), Film Studies Department School of Arts Oxford Brookes University, School of Advanced  Study, University of London, Department of Art and Art History, Hunter College and the Graduate Center (CUNY).  Students of the courses of: Costume, Photography, Direction, Screenplay, Scenography, Sound of the SNC.

Ask to Librarian is an online reference and research orientation service that provides remote assistance in cases where information and assistance cannot be used directly at the Library.
Download the new BiblioChiarini APP: version 4.0 is available on the Android and IOS stores.
Is the reproduction service of full or partial documents belonging to the Library. Usually the documents are magazine articles or book chapters and are meant for strict personal use and only for study or research.